
Showing posts from November, 2010

Possible reason for Congress defeat in Bihar...

We thought that he is just asking for 4-5 seats by raising his hand..

Help America, while travelling..

अमेरिका की सहायता करें, चलो अमेरिका चले...

A better option for politicians...

Joint Parliamentary Property Committee A better option for politicians...

Coalition Lock...

How do I speak on 2G...Coalition Lock is there.. बोलू तो बोलू कैसे.... (In ase, you like this, please share with other and follow me...)

गले की हड्डी

Union Minister Thiru A Raja has become गले की हड्डी  for the ruling party. Prime Minister is having lots o foffer for and against removal of the Union Minister

Welcome to Mumbai...

साब जी, मुंबई में मकान, जमीन चाहिए, में हूँ सर जी, आपके जाने के बाद मेरा यही काम होगा /

Happy Diwali - Be careful of adulterated sweets...

जाने इन्हें क्या हो गया...मैंने तो केवल कहा की "मिठाई खा के जाना"

Change in Target...

अब हमने बेंक में डाका डालना छोड़ दिया है, सब्जी लूटने में ज्यादा फायदा और ज्यादा सुरक्षित है... (In case, you like this, please share with others. Follow to get information on recent updates by joining list)